Erik here. It's funny. Last year, I drove myself crazy trying to blog every night, so I decided to be not so pedantic about it this year. When you give yourself an out, you take it! We're busy and emotionally tired, so coming home to blog hasn't been a priority. That said, we're going to make a huge effort to do it more often, mainly because we want you all to know about our amazing kids. Andy will tell you about the end of our Nairobi trip, and Jody, Charles, and I will tell you about our wonderful new students in Johannesburg (where we are now). In the mean time, here is Isack, back from his trip to the U.S.!
ISACK (with Dr. Jane in the photo above).
Hello everyone,
This is Isack again. I’m back from Orlando, Florida USA. I’m very happy to have met with many people from different countries around the world. Also, we meet with Mama Jane Goodall and other JGI staff members from the USA. I was very happy to meet with Mary Lewis. Also I was very happy to meet with Adam Ray from the Pearson Foundation. Soon, I’m going to start my action plan for the community and also I will go to school. I was also very happy to meet with Dr. Julie of Berry College.
The Global Youth Summit 2008 helped join youth from different countries come together to discus how to protect our future. Now we’re friends! We talked about how to join our projects and how to work together to save our world. Thanks Dr. Jane Goodall! You’re amazing. Thanks for supporting Roots & Shoots.
Soon I will go to school to start my A Level education. I have to go to school because education is key in life. We need to have it for a better future. I will be in Arusha. I will be working with Roots & Shoots at the school. I hope that I will help students at the school to learn how to protect our environment.
I’m in Kigoma now. I had a meeting with the first Digital Art Alliance participants of 2007. I’m happy to hear that program is going well. Every Friday and Saturday they meet to discuss different projects. Now they have started Roots & Shoots NAELE. Roots & Shoots NAELE is a special group of Roots & Shoots member from secondary and primary schools who are joining together to learn how to make movies in order to educate the community about different important issues. I hope to meet with NAELE group today. NAELE is Natural Ambassadors of Environment, Life and Education. This is Amazing!!! It is going to start soon.
(This photos shows the members from the Roots & Shoots Pearson Foundation Digital Arts program in 2007. They are now meeting every week to teach others how to make movies.)
I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for visiting our blog. Please stay with us. See you next time!