Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cape Town and Nairobi

Fathima Dada and Charles Nyembe filming at Maskew Miller Longman

Well, Charles and I are wandering around this big house in Cape Town on our own. Ronel has gone to Joburg to skope out our venues for the big programs beginning next week. Jody, Ben, James, and Beruk are doing very well in Kenya with the second round of our Sara program with Longman Kenya. They will blog tomorrow....they promise! And, they'll have some great photos to share.

Charles, Ronel, and I filmed kids, teachers and content experts all week. Charles and I are now editing hundreds of hours of foootage down to five-minute clips. Tons of work, but it will be great when we have it all completed. Andy is working on the actual professional development programs from New York between memorizing lines and looking for auditions. Below is an overview of what we're doing this year...thought you might like to know. So, see below, then get ready for updated from the Kenya team tomorrow. Best, Erik (More filming photos to right...)


This year, Maskew Miller Longman and our sister companies are embarking on a Professional Development Programme in Africa with the charitable arm of one of our parent companies, PEARSON EDUCATION - a global education company. With the Pearson Foundation, we shall be traveling to and running workshops in South Africa , Tanzania , Kenya , Zambia and Nigeria , where our Pearson Foundation colleagues will be working with our local companies and colleagues. In addition, we will offer a student Digital Arts workshop to support the Professional Development Programmes.
The professional development is comprised of three distinct tracks; in line with the Africa Millennium Education Goals, the programmes will be concentrating on Literacy and Numeracy at the Foundation Phase level, Early Childhood Development in the reception year, and 21st Century Skills for teachers and learners across the spectrum.
In each location, educator and administrator participants will follow one of these three tracks. These five-day training events will be focused, engaging, and interactive. Participants will learn exciting new approaches to presenting information in the classroom through hands-on, effective, and practical applications. They will not only learn about proven collaborative models, they will also share their own successful approaches to building teamwork among student groups.
Literacy & Numeracy track and Early Childhood Development track
In addition to learning cutting-edge approaches to teaching, participants in the Literacy & Numeracy and Early Childhood Development tracks will also be presented with ways to teach parents and caregivers how to use effective techniques with their young learners. The participants in these two tracks will be discussing best practices for engaging parents and guardians in interactive reading and learning with their children. The culminating activity, Family Book Night, is a personal, hands-on event for 50 local families. Early readers and their families will be invited to attend an evening of reading, centered around personalized books that the children and their caregivers will make together. These “1, 2, 3” counting and reading books will include photos of the child on each page, and will be the springboards for Family Book Night reading activities. During the event, professional development participants from both the Literacy & Numeracy and Early Childhood Development tracks will work with parents as they learn to actively engage their children during the reading process. The families will take these books home with them to further their interaction and effectiveness. Participants in the Literacy & Numeracy and Early Childhood Development tracks will be provided with the templates for these personalized books, in order to use them at their own local Family Book Nights, and further extend family reading and learning opportunities.
21st Century Skills track
The 21st Century Skills programme will integrate areas that are crucial to modern education. These themes include: Core Subjects; 21st Century Themes; Learning and Innovation Skills; Information, Media, and Technology Skills; and Life and Career Skills. Participants will investigate effective uses of collaboration, innovation, media literacy, critical thinking, and social interaction in the classroom. The involved, hands-on approach will give participants the opportunity to practice technology skills by using moviemaking software as a curriculum tool. Participants will learn how to integrate academic objectives, technological skills, and essential life skills to produce digital movies based on curriculum standards. The programme encourages student teamwork within a project-based learning model. Participants will discuss ways to give students the skills to effectively cooperate and communicate with each other in order to achieve a common goal. Participants will learn how to facilitate digital moviemaking in the classroom, resulting in student-produced films that show understanding of curriculum objectives.
The 21st Century Skills professional development will run simultaneously with the Student Digital Arts programme, where 30 students will learn how to write, videotape, and edit their own short films based on topics important to their individual communities. Working with local NGOs, Pearson Foundation facilitators, and local Maskew Miller Longman employees, these students will be creating films based on HIV/AIDS, and issues related to refugees across African nations.
Near the end of the week, participants in the 21st Century Skills programme will join the Student Digital Arts programme, and use their newly acquired skills to assist the students in completing their films. The five days will then culminate in a Movie Day, where all participants will watch the student-produced movies, while practicing important feedback, questioning, and critiquing skills.
Participants in all three tracks will be learning contemporary and innovative skills to enhance their effectiveness as educators. They will also have valuable opportunities to share their own ideas about successful techniques and glean from others’ experiences. They will then synthesize all this learning, and take these exciting practices back to their own schools and communities, and continue to be leaders in the field of education.

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